CreaTee Blog
CreaTee at Xplorasi gift store, KLCC
Have fun with us at Xplorasi gift store, Petrosains, KLCC. Try out our product and go home with one! See you there.
Oh! To Be Joyful
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. ~ Gerard Way This is one of my favorite quotes of all time.To me, that is the essence of being happy, being grateful which is essentially what being joyful is all about. Realize that there are much bigger things in life than you and me. Count your blessings and focus real hard on the good while working hard on things that need working on. Learn to let go. Do more of the things that make you happy and feel good; Find comfort and listen...
CreaTee in Artsy Craftsy
Looking for a suitable craft project for kids? Createe Kit is a DIY, suitable for kids and even adults too, especially if you are looking for a simple and fun craft. All CreaTee DIY kit comes with FOUR different animal designs; Roro the Rabbit, Egon the Elephant, Cobie the Cat and Gin Gin the Giraffe. Read the whole article at
Merdeka 2016 and School Holiday Special
holiday special merdeka promotion
With Merdeka coming up and school holiday in September we have a special offer for you. It's always fun, creative and educational with CreaTee.
Why Electronics Should Not Be At The Meal Table.
I cannot say that it does not drive me nuts (many a time) seeing this scenario. Two adults and a toddler sitting a lunch or dinner table; one adult would be holding the smartphone , playing some kind of children's show . Child's eyes glued to the screen as the other adult spoon feeding the child's his/her meal. A child having the noninterested blank look on the face. This continued on thru out the meal . No communication or eye contact between family members. That is the downside and sad reality that we are seeing more and more often. It...