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CreaTee Blog

How and Why the Arts

How and Why the Arts

How and why would the arts be important to the emotional and mental development? Bullying amounts to emotional and mental degradation of one’s existence and being. It takes that away from you. The arts gives an outlet to take that very thing back from the bullies. The arts instill pride. When your child puts his heart and soul into an art project—and spends hours working on it, cultivating it, and making it beautiful.  There is a  feeling of  an enormous sense of accomplishment when it’s complete. “The arts are a great leveler, as we are all in the same boat,...

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What to do when you or someone you care about is being bullied.

What to do when you or someone you care about is being bullied.

  So things are rough and you are being bullied or your child has been bullied.  How do you deal? What do you do? A) Parents need to be there for their children to rebuild their confidence and sense of self-worth in the aftermath of bullying. Praise your child for speaking up about being bullied. It can be very scary to talk about bullying.  Tell your child how brave he or she is. Reassure your child that the bullying is not his or her fault. That you trust and believe them. That you are there for them. Make sure your...

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Say hello to us at Curve's Weekend Bazaar

Say hello to us at Curve's Weekend Bazaar

CreaTee will be at the Curve, Damansara joining the weekly bazaar. Come and get to know us better. See our fun product up close. 

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Recognizing Bullying

Recognizing Bullying

Hello there to our dear CreaTees . Can you recognize if the child in our life is being bullied?. Here are some pointers. 1. Unexplained bruises or cuts.It’s expected that kids might get a scrape or two from playing outside. However, children usually seek adult attention for their wounds. If your child doesn’t mention or explain how he got his injuries, these may be the result of more than the usual playground roughhousing.  2. Marked change in typical behavior or personality.This  takes shape in different forms. o Low self-esteem and social isolation. Bullying is not just a physical act. Over...

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Bullying Categorized

Hello there, wonderful CreaTees.This week we will be talking about types of bullying.Bullying can be defined roughly by 4 different categories. 1. Physical bullying.Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property. 2. Verbal bullying.Verbal bullying includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. 3. Relational bullying/Social and emotional bullying.This type of bullying is actually more of a challenge to recognize. It is mostly carried out behind the bullied person's back. It is designed to do great to harm the social reputation and/or cause humiliation of the person bullied. Relational bullying includes:...

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